Cherry Fest

John Alfred and Rose (Lindner)) Ehlers.  Married September 20, 1905


Volume Six


Carol Halstead wrote the FOREWARD to this book and it is as follows:  As Ben Logan was quoted in the Wisconsin Magazine of History (Winter 2000-2001), “Every person has a story to tell.  Every family has a story.  Every community has a story.  And in telling and hearing our stories, we can find a story to live by, begin to understand more fully who we are, where we’ve come from, what we value and where there may be a place that will invite us to put down roots and call it home.”


This book will introduce you to Rev. Jameson and his family and how his leadership brought faith, inspiration, and courage to early settlers.  The Wagners, Ehlers, and Johnsons were hard working families who cleared the land, built homesteads, and educated their children.  They share some of their traditions and memories, and you’ll enjoy the story of the first baby born in Jacksonport.  These stories are about families working together and struggling to survive in this beautiful area.  Families in this book are:


Reverend Joseph Jameson and Sara (Kingston Reynolds) Jameson

Annabel (Jameson) Muckian

The John Ehlers Family

My Grandma and Grandpa Ehlers

George Christian Wagner Families

Gone But Not forgotten

August and Mary (Anderson) Johnson

Mary Tolerton (Bagnall) Keith

Memories of my Grandfather Burt Keith

Memories of my Grandmother Tollie Bagnall


Ordering Information:


Book Price:  US $25.00 including shipping

DVD Price:  US $22.25 including shipping.  Please indicate which family presentation you are ordering at check out.



Make checks payable to the Jacksonport Historical Society, Inc. and send to:


Mary Kaye

Jacksonport Historical Society Treasurer

P.O. Box 42

Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235


Books & DVDs


All prices include shipping and handling.  Shipping is to domestic USA only.  Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.  You may also purchase books and videos at our monthly meetings.


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