August 3 - Cherry Fest (See Cherry Fest tab for details)
August 14 - JHS annual fish boil at Lakeside Park in Jacksonport.
Live Music by Dale Graf
Beginning at 5:00PM
Dinner Served at 6:00PM
Dinner Includes:
Whitefish, potatoes, onions, coleslaw, and rye bread or Hot Dogs or brats, coleslaw, and chips.
All dinners include lemonade or soda or water and cherry pie and ice cream.
Fish Boil: $25/Adult #of Adults____
$10/Kids 6-12 years # of Kids____
Hot Dogs or Brats: $10/Adults & Kids #of Adults____
#of Kids____
Ages 0-5/free #under 5____
Reservation Required
Payment Must Accompany Reservation
Make check payable to: Jacksonport Historical Society, and mail to P.O. Box 42, C/O Fish Boil, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 (RSVP by August 7, 2024)
September 21, 2022 - Jacksonport town hall 7:00 P.M.
Program organized by
Marilyn Hein, Lauretta Kelley,
Joleen Wahlen, Phyllis Zatlin
September 15, 2021 - Growing Up and Going to School in Jacksonport
Special program featuring speakers who attended the four one-room schoolhouses in the district: Jacksonport, Farview, Groveland, Washington. Panel moderator: Mike Madden. Other speakers to be announced
Programs for 2020 were cancelled
June 27, 2019 - Fred Erskine and Charles Butler: Lifelong Friends in Peace and War
FRED ERSKINE (1890-1986)
CHARLES BUTLER (1890- 1982 )
Fred Eskine, Jacksonport’s first photographer, took this picture of the town’s 1913 basketball team. He is the man on the far left; his hand rests on the shoulder of Charles Butler, one of the town’s earliest authors of books.
Jacksonport Historical Society will remember these two local figures at a public meeting in the renovated Town Hall, on County V next to the Fire Station.
Thursday, June 27
7:00 P.M.
Presentations will include projection of Erskine photos, including some taken during World War I and background on Butler’s autobiographical novel about the war.
Featured speakers are
Virginia Maher
Marilyn Hein
August 3, 2019 - Cherry Fest: - Lakeside Park
See Cherry Fest tab at top of page for more details!
September 12, 2019 - Jacksonport: Great Escape for Governors and Lawyers
Gov. John Reynolds, Jr, and his family,
in Jacksonport, 1963. Far left, Gladys.
To his right: son Jim, wife Patty,
daughters Kate and Molly.
Judge James Doyle, Sr. and Gov. James
Doyle, Jr., in serious deliberation, c. 1959, the year the family purchased a log cabin in Jacksonport.
Gov. Lucey in front of fireplace in Jacksonport home built in 1989.
The Jacksonport Historical Society invites you to the Town Hall on Cty V
Thursday, September 12, at 7:00 P.M.
The program, featuring members of the Reynolds, Lucey and Doyle families, is free and open to the public.
2018 EVENT
3rd Annual Jacksonport Historical Society Fish Boil: Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Cherry Fest: Saturday, August 4, 2018
See Cherry Fest tab at top of page for more details!
Mike Peters; Pride of Baltimore II - Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Welcome aboard!
My name is Mike Peters. I’m a life long sailor and ship’s captain, holding a US Coast Guard 1600ton Master’s License for Power and Sail. I have sailed and raced boats of all sizes and types all over the world, both soft and hard water (ice boats). Commercially, I have operated tugboats, research vessels, and paddle wheelers throughout the United States Inland Waterways and oceans of the world. The one type of vessel that has always fascinated me is the tall ship. I first saw the tall ship Pride of Baltimore II in the 1990’s sailing into Florida’s Key West Truman Annex Harbor. What a sight she was under full sail! The next time the Pride of Baltimore II would come into my life was last summer, 2016 when she visited Sturgeon Bay for the Tall Ship Festival. When a friend told me how a person could sail as a guest crew on a tall ship, I applied online for a crew position aboard the Pride. The application was detailed regarding health, experience, and why I wanted to sail on her. As guest crew you had the option of being totally involved in the operation of the vessel or just go for a ride and be a passenger. You had a choice of routes and dates depending on where the Pride would be docked. I was selected and began my journey on the second leg of the Pride’s travels out of the Great Lakes. It was a five day passage, boarding her in Marquette, Michigan and sailing her to Lorain, Ohio via Lake Superior, Lake Huron and Lake Erie, a distance of some 500 miles or so. And so, let me share with you some of my experiences of life aboard the Tall Ship Pride of Baltimore II, a highlight of my sailing career.
Jacksonport Historical Society Fish Boil Wednesday, July 19. 6:00 PM Lakeside Park, Jacksonport
Tickets will be available to purchase beginning in May. Reservations are suggested. A limited number of dinners will be available for walk-ins. The second annual Fish Boil is open to the public. Dinners will include: Whitefish or broasted chicken, potato, onion, coleslaw, bread, cherry pie & ice cream, lemonade, soda, or water. Hot dogs available for children. Bring your own alcoholic beverages.
Park located at the corner of Hwy 57 and County V. Contact Tom Wilson at twilson2010@yahoo.com or 920-309-0050 for more information.
Jacksonport Historical Society Historic Walk with Musical Interludes. Saturday, July 29.
The Historic Walk with Musical Interludes will include guided visits to four historic buildings-- two churches, the Town Hall Bakery, and a one-room schoolhouse that is now a piano studio—plus four family presentations in St. Michael’s cemetery.
8:00: Social Hall at Stella Maris Parish-
St. Michael’s Church for registration/Town Hall Bakery for complimentary coffee/tea and pastry
9:00-10:00: St. Michael’s Cemetery:
Two family presentations
10:00-10:45: Inside Church: Presentation and short organ performance
10:45-11:45: St. Michael’s Cemetery:
Two family presentations
12:00-1:00: Lunch Break
1:15-2:00: Visit to historic one-room school house and piano performance. Check-in for those joining group in afternoon
2:15-3:00: United Methodist Church: Presentation and short organ performance
3:15-3:45: Town Hall Bakery: Presentation with complimentary coffee/tea

United Methodist Church
Jacksonport One-Room School
(Payable by check only)
Reservations are Non-Refundable
Maximum Enrollment: 50
Rain Date: Monday, July 31
Reservation Request Information: pzatlin@hotmail.com
Laura Ingalls Wilder; Road to the Little House - Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Generations of children and adults worldwide have been fascinated by the stories of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Her “Little House” series was the basis for a successful television series. But how did her life really evolve? What motivated her to put her experiences to paper? In this First Impressions presentation by Jessica Michna you will meet Mrs. Wilder, older, wiser and reflecting back on her life.. She will tell you her life story and how she came to produce her literary works. Light refreshments will be offered after the program, which is free and open to the public. Donations welcome.
The Wendt Family Presentation - September 20, 2017
Ervin and Clara Wendt moved to West Jacksonport from Milwaukee where Ervin worked for International Harvester. In 1927 they purchased the Henry and Martha Spille farm. It is here where they raised their family, living on this same farm for forty-five years. Along with farming Ervin served his community as the Jacksonport Town Treasurer. Ken Wendt, son of Ervin and Clara will provide us with an interesting program relating to what it was like growing up on a farm during that time. Experiences such as going to a one-room school, long bus rides to Sevastopol High School and also what it was like growing up as the only boy in the family with four girls. We would like to have you join us this evening bringing back many memories with family and friends of the Wendt family.
May 25, 2016
7:00 p.m. Jacksonport Town Hall
Barn Quilts have become one more of the many attractions in Door County. How did they get started, why, do they have a meaning, and where are they?
Dawn VandeVoort, 4-H Youth Development Educator, Door County UW-Extension will begin with an overview of the Barn Quilt Project in Door County. The program will continue with information from many of the barn owners, including history and stories about the Jacksonport barn quilts. Audience is encoraged to bring their stories, photos, and heritage quilts to share.
June 22, 2016
7:00 p.m. Jacksonport Town Hall
Marilyn (Hein) Jome, daughter of Stanley and Marie (Erskine) Hein grew up in Sturgeon Bay. Her heart is still in Door County even though she now lives in Oshkosh. Marilyn continues to counsel part time in her private practice, Hearts Unfolding Counseling.
Marilyn was invited to go on a hike on the Door County Land Trust property known as Heins Creek. She was excited to go and see where her great-grandparents, William and Wilhelmina Hein, grandparents Charles and Mathilda Hein and her father Stanley had lived. This inspired her to begin a fascinating research project. Marilyn learned about what drew the early Indians to make the area their home and where artifacts are now stored. Through researching newspaper articles from the late 1800s and early 1900s the Hein family story came to life.
Join us at the Jacksonport Town Hall on Wednesday June 22nd and reminisce with family and friends of the fascinating Hein Family in Jacksonport.
Charles and Mathilda Hein wedding.
July 20, 2016 Annual Dinner Meeting
Final confirmations are pending. Watch your email, JHS website and Facebook for this announcement.
August 24, 2016
The Cote Family
7:00 p.m. Jacksonport Town Hall
Having up to a century of life in the heart of the village of Jacksonport allowed Leona (Cote) Grovogel and Joseph Cote to relay firsthand accounts of the Cote family's Jacksonport history to Les Kiehnau, Terry Magno, and others. Please join the camaraderie as Les and Terry present the Cote Family.
The Gaspard and Selina Cote family entered the Jacksonport scene in 1899. Initially farming at a site on what is now County A, Gaspard also operated a tavern near the center of town. Three of his six children continued to be involved in Jacksonport based agricultural, commercial, and retail enterprises for decades to come. Direct descendants of the family, including long time Jacksonport Historical Society member Jerome (Jerry) Cote, continue a Jacksonport presence today.
Les Kiehnau, son of Sally and Eugene, grew up in the village of Jacksonport. Although Gaspard's oldest daughter Leona, (Exilona Cote) Grovogel was technically Les' great aunt, she always lived with the Eugene Kiehnau family and was referred to as Grandma. Leona was two years old when she and her parents arrived in Jacksonport. She remained a Jacksonport resident until her death, just short of 101 years of age. Leona and her husband William Grovogel were instrumental in Jacksonport's commercial fishing industry. Terry Magno, grandson of Joseph Cote, spent several summers at his grandparent's cherry and strawberry enterprise located at the corner of County A & V in Jacksonport. Joseph (Joe) Cote lived his entire life in Jacksonport. For a period of time in the 1970's Joe also served as Jacksonport's Town Chairman.
September 28, 2016
Charles Koulias—A Jacksonport Resident
And A Great American on Many Levels
7:00 p.m. Jacksonport Town Hall
Join us along with Gary Rezeau and Shaun Koulias for an entertaining and interesting evening learning about one of Door County’s heroes of World War II, and a veteran of the Maritime Unit of the Office of Strategic Services, (OSS). The OSS evolved into the Central Intelligence Agency.
The OSS Maritime Unit was the precursor to the U.S. Navy SEALS, the U.S. Army Special Forces, and the Green Berets.
Charles Koulias’ work with the OSS Maritime Unit involved developing equipment and tactics for the first combat swimmer training. His participation in this highly classified project was instrumental in giving the United States a very capable and effective underwater intelligence gathering group of combat swimmers who also engaged in direct action against our enemies in World War II.
Charles Koulias in the 1940s aboard a surfboard equipped with a machine gun for beach assault.
Frank Butts
October 26, 2016
Many members were disappointed last year when this program required rescheduling. Frank's son, Steve, will present the history of his father's life on Clark Lake and in Door County.
An only child, Frank Butts was born June 25, 1914, to a wealthy Chicago plumbing contractor and his wife Anna. Anna suffered ten pregnancies that ended in stillbirths or miscarriages in as many years, before Frank arrived in 1914. He was a cherished and protected child. At their summerhouse on the north end of Clark Lake, Frank Sr. built a special streetcar track for his son. Its rails were wooden planks with a flange on each side, enamoring Frank to street cars.
Frank graduated from the University of Chicago and received as his graduation present the streetcar and bus lines of Green Bay. He expanded lines in 1957 into Iron Mountain, Michigan and Algoma and Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. In 1958, he took in another 40-mile route to Crystal Falls, Florence, and Iron River in Michigan's Upper Peninsula and was president of Wisconsin-Michigan Coaches. The rise of the private auto sent bus and streetcar lines into decline.
There are many stories to be shared between the streetcar days and his death in 1991 as he was a very unique and interesting individual.
Frank was also a great naturalist and historian and a born teacher. Frank said many times that his beautiful land in the Town of Jacksonport must be preserved for posterity. He was an avid conservationist who wanted the property to be accessible to everyone. On his deathbed in September of 1991, he sold his Logan Creek property to the Ridges Sanctuary.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
An Evening of Folklore
7:00 p.m. Jacksonport Town Hall
This program was so well liked in 2013 we decided it would be a wonderful way to begin the 2015 program series.
The Jacksonport Historical Society will be hosting a night of presenting memories. The community is invited to attend and welcome to bring along pictures from the past and tell their stories. Whether you are new to the area or long time residents, you were there to make the history of the community, and now have a chance to share it!
These pictures and stories will be documented and added to the Jacksonport Historical Society’s photo collection. Your participation will help preserve the history of Jacksonport. What was your favorite time? Your “least” favorite time? Smelt fishing, a wedding, farm life, cherry picking, or Sunday at the beach. Come one, and come all, and share your story and pictures.
The Winery Program is in addition to the summer program. This is such an excellent opportunity to gather with family and friends to learn and have fun!
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Simon Creek Winery
Tour, Wine Tasting, Live Music
Noon at Simon Creek Winery
(Rain Date Sunday June 14, 2014)
This program is a wonderful opportunity for families and friends to gather together on a Sunday afternoon. We will begin with a tour lead by Tim Lawrie, founder of Simon Creek Winery. The tour will feature a history of the winery and a complete review of the wine making process from harvest through bottling and casing. As part of the family history, Barbara Brann Lawrie will also share some history highlights of her family, the Branns of Baileys Harbor. We will end the tour in the taste room overlooking the wine production area and best of all - the vineyard and beautiful pond. Here we will be able to sample their award winning wines.
At 1:00 p.m. enjoy live music by Michael Raye as you, your family and friends picnic on the beautiful grounds. You will need to bring your own chairs/blankets. Pack a picnic basket and relax and enjoy!
No alcoholic beverage are allowed, however, Simon Creek wine will be available for purchase.
Simon Creek is the most modern winery and largest vineyard (30 acres) in Wisconsin - Right here in Jacksonport, Door County, Wisconsin .
June 24,2015
Mike Madden, Presenter
Tools of the Past
The Madden family has a strong interest in farming, rural history, and collecting tools and equipment from the past. As their interest and collections have grown, they want to share the intriguing and unique ingenuity that the hand tools of farmers, wood workers, homemakers, and loggers represent. Pat and Mike Madden will share some of the tools they have collected. Tools from Door County pioneer farmers, homemakers, carpenters, and loggers will be discussed and displayed. The public is encouraged to bring along stories and tools to share. Maybe you can “stump” the tool enthusiasts, the Madden brothers.
JHS Annual Dinner Meeting
July 22, 2015 at Mr. G's Logan Creek Grille
Cocktails - 6pm Dinner - 6:30pm $25.00 each
Broasted Chicken and Baked Ham with all the Trimmings
Wedding Cake by FlourGirl Patissier for Dessert
Live Music by Dale Graf
Contact Mary Kaye, Treasurer
920-493-1511 or mnkaye53@yahoo.com for reservations
Pat Grahn , Presenter
History of Wedding Gowns
Pat Grahn's love of wedding gowns started while in college. Here presentation covers wedding gowns from the turn of the century to the present day, what was happening in America's history at the time, what fabrics were used, why the styles were what they were, and many heatwarming wedding gown stories. This dinner promises to be a fun and informative night for all, as the dinner will be a recreation of wedding celebrations from the past, including a wedding cake by Flour Girl Bakery and live music. We will have lots of historic wedding photos and interesting stories to share.
August 1, 2015
Annual Cherry Fest
Lakeside Park 7:00am – 4:00pm
See more information at the Cherry Fest tab
August 26, 2015
Phyllis Zatlin, Presenter
Remembering the Great War: Letters from the Front
I have known since childhood that several of my mother's brothers, among them Charles and Frank Butler served in the Great War and that my father, Frank Zatlin, and two of his brothers did as well. What I did not know until the summer of 2013 is that Ellen Butler Zatlin had a stash of letters from 1918 and 1919 tuck away on Lakeshore Road in Jacksonport in the attic of the cottage that my parents built in the mid-1930s. The little collection includes letters written to Ellen by her brothers and ones from the Zaztlin brothers to each other and to their parents . And so the story is told. Come hear this family story as the Great War wages on in Europe.
September 23, 2015
Robbie Kurtz, Presenter
Kurtz Family History
Robbie Kurtz, son of Donald Kurtz and grandson of Kurtz Corral founder Lloyd Kurtz, will share history of the Kurtz family who settled in the Jacksonport area. A journey from Oshkosh, Wisconsin to Pulaski, Wisconsin, to San Francisco, California, to Jacksonport, in beautiful Door County. Jim will add details and stories about Kurtz Corral. We invite you to share the memories and anecdotes with the Kurtz Family members, their neighbors and friends for an enjoyable evening of reminiscing.
Jim and Robert Kurtz
October 28, 2015
Don Rudolph, Presenter
Lime Kilns in the Township of Jacksonport
For over two centuries many farmers had a lime kiln on their farm. While each lime kiln is unique, they generally had the same similar design. They were typically built out of flat local stones and located in a section of the farm that was too difficult for growing crops. The lime produced from these kilns had many varied and interesting uses. Please join the Jacksonport Historical Society in welcoming Don Rudolph who will intrigue us with the history, design, locations, and function of these historic lime kilns.
May 28, 2014
Haberli Family - Lorri Haberli
Lorri Haberli, granddaughter of Milton and great granddaughter of Joseph Haberli will tell us the stories of family traditions and their lives on the farm. It all started out by Alois and Anna Haberli when they came to the United States from Switzerland and they first located in Milwaukee for a short time before they moved to Door County where he was employed by a brewery. Alois started to purchase land and began to farm it. When he passed away in January 1912, his son Joseph R. took over and he grew the farm to 160 acres of land and he had 16 cows. Joseph R. married Ida Stern and they began a family. Milton Haberli was born on October 18, 1910 and was one of eight children. Milton married Marvel Schultz, they had four children one of them being Joseph C. who still resides in Jacksonport to this day. We welcome you to join us along with family and friends of the Haberli family to reminisce and recall the early days of farming in Jacksonport.
Milton Haberli Milking Cows 1955
June 9, 2014 (Monday Night Program)
Roger Kuhns on the Geology of Door County
The upland ridges, underlying bedrock, and sand beaches around Door County's 491 square miles tells a story of what was once here. It's a fascinating history that began millions of years ago. The Jacksonport Historical Society is proud to present Roger Kuhns as guest speaker, we invite the public to come and learn more about Door County's geologic history. Roger's presentation will focus on this geologic history of Door County's land formations known as the Niagara Escarpment and the Niagara Dolomite that forms its foundations.
June 25, 2014
Clarks Lake - Revisited - Paul Schumacher Presenter
People and places of Clark Lake during the period of about 1880 to the mid-1940's, and how the lake community connects with nearby communities such as Jacksonport, Valmy and Whitefish Bay.
Frank Butts as a Child
July 23, 2014
Return to Horse Drawn Days with Jerry Apps
Annual Dinner Presentation
Well known author and speaker Jerry Apps will be the guest speaker at our Annual Dinner Program. The title of his presentation will be “Return To Horse Drawn Days.”
Before tractors or steam engines arrived on the farm, horses did all the heavy work. From spring plowing to the fall harvest, the mighty draft horse powered farms across the Midwest. They towed threshing machines and plows, hauled milk to the local cheese factory, and pulled the family buggy to church each Sunday. These animals were at the center of farm life. Mr. Apps pairs lively historic narrative with reminiscences about his boyhood on the family farm in Wisconsin to paint a vivid picture of a bygone time. Jerry Apps, born and raised on a Wisconsin farm, is Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the author of more than 30 books, many of them on rural history and country life. Jerry has won many awards for his writings. You have most likely seen him featured on PBS and WPT. You are welcome to join us at Mr. G’s Logan Creek Grille, 5890 Hwy 57, Jacksonport. Cocktails at 6:00 p.m., Dinner at 6:30. Make your reservation to our dinner program by sending a check made payable to the Jacksonport Historical Society of $25 for each dinner reservation to: JHS Treasurer, Darrel Birnschein, 5653 Hwy 57, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235; on or before July 9, 2014. Food choices are salmon or beef tenderloin tips, please indicate your choice of food when you make your reservation. Deadline date for reservations is July 9, 2014.
Dinner Meeting Reservation Form
August 27, 2014
P.G. Hibbard, An Early Jacksonport Settler by Frank Shaw
Mr. Hibbard was an early, enigmatic pioneer. Born in NY State, P.G. grew up in Farmington MI and came to Jacksonport in 1858. His first marriage to Hannah Peas was childless. In 1872, he married Johanna Carmody, and they had six children. He was a founder of Jacksonport and held various civic offices. P.G. was a fisherman with impressive catches, buyer and seller of many 40 acre parcels, and owner of a successful dry goods store and a pier. His lumbering operation and mill processed many hundred thousand feet of logs annually (1,250,000 in 1885). Yet, P.G. had many delinquent tax notices in the papers, business failures and court judgments against him. He moved to Delta County MI (northwest side of the Bay) and later Oregon. JHS Vice President Eileen Roberts was a research partner who accumulated newspaper articles, plat maps, tax records, and other insights into Perry and his family for this presentation. Join us for this interesting program by Frank Shaw on Wednesday, August 27, 2014.
September 24, 2014
My Life as a Farmer with George Evenson
As a grandfather of 11 grandchildren and great grandfather to 17 great grandchildren (and counting), George enjoys telling the stories about his personal experiences and observations of the 85 years he lived in one place. He feels he is fortunate to have lived during the time between the great depression and today. While there were constant changes this period saw the greatest changes to the rural countryside. In sharing his stories George the way of farming, living, the countryside, and neighborhoods will long be remembered.
October 22, 2014
Threshing with Dennis Dietrich
There are many events in one's childhood that bring back great memories of the threshing season. Harvesting grain is hard work, but ranks high on the list of many memories. You may have shocked grain, driven a tractor or prepared the meals that nourished the hardworking crew. This fall we will reminisce about this time the good and the bad. We will also talk about what it was like to be a part of the threshing crew. It will be an enjoyable evening giving everyone the opportunity to visit with Dennis, friends and neighbors, sharing the threshing stories of your neighborhood. Enjoy refreshments and the camaraderie of the evening with us.
May 22, 2013
An Evening of Local Lore
Your photos and memories document the township of Jacksonport
The Jacksonport Historical Society will be hosting a night of presenting memories . The community is asked to attend, bring along a picture and tell its story. Whether you are new to the area or long time residents you were there to make the history of the community, and now have a chance to share it! These pictures and stories will be documented and added to the Jacksonport Historical Society’s photo collection. Your participation will help the history of Jacksonport be preserved. What was your favorite time? Your “least” favorite time? Smelt fishing, a wedding, farm life, cherry picking, or Sunday at the beach. Come one, and come all, and share your story and pictures.
June 27, 2013
LeClair Family History - Presenter Robert Wittig
Englebert (Bert) LeClair standing in the doorway of his fish shack looking out to Lake Michigan wondering what the catch will be today?
The LeClair families in Jacksonport were great fisherman back in the day. Many of us have fond memories of going to the Fish Shack on the beach for fresh smoked chubs and maybe pick up an ice block for the old ice box. Robert Wittig, grandson of Victor LeClair, will share the LeClair family lore. This evening will be a fond return to the days of yesteryear among family, friends and neighbors of this well-remembered family.
Lights of the Lakes - Presenter Phil Block
Please join us for the Jacksonport Historical Society Annual Dinner Meeting Wednesday, July 24th, at Mr. G's Logan Creek Grille 5890 Highway 57, Jacksonport. Cocktails at 6:00 With dinner at 6:30 p.m.Speaker Phil Block will present Lights of the Lakes. Phil has been fascinated with lighthouses since his college days at Michigan Tech, when his first lighthouse image was a water color painting of the Eagle Harbor Light on the Lake Superior’s rugged Keweenaw Peninsula coastline. His travels have taken him to over 250 lighthouses and illuminated navigational aids, primarily on the Western Great Lakes, although he has also photographed lighthouses in Maine and on Chesapeake Bay. Mr. Block has been a photographer for over 40 years. He began in the film era and progressed to digital imagery. He is a former U.S. Army officer and is now retired after a career in training and technical communications. He is a member of the Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association, and serves as a volunteer docent and tour guide at the Port Washington 1860 Light Station. Door County lighthouses in the show are Plum Island Rear Range, Pilot Island, Chambers Island, Eagle Bluff, Cana Island, Sherwood Point, Sturgeon Bay USCGS, and the Sturgeon Bay Canal North Pierhead Light.
Dinner: Family Style - Chicken and ham in a pineapple sauce, salad, mashed potatoes, stuffing, vegetable, gravy, rolls, coffee and dessert.
Price: $25 per plate
Cocktails: 6:00 pm
Dinner: 6:30 pm
Reservations: Accepted up to July 10, 2013
Send reservations to: Jacksonport Historical Society, Inc.
Patty Birnschein, Treasurer
5489 Reynolds Road
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
AUGUST 3, 2013
Cherry Fest at Lakeside Park
Click on the Cherry Fest tab for the most current information for Cherry Fest 2013.
AUGUST 5, 2013
Historic Cabin/Cottage Walk
Do you recognize this house in the village as it looked many years ago?
As many as twenty families are expected to participate in a Jacksonport Historic Cabins Walk on Monday, 5 August. The morning and afternoon event, scheduled two days after Cherry Fest, is a fundraiser for development of the Jacksonport Historical Society Museum. The walk will be divided into three segments of some 90 minutes each: the southern portion of Lakeshore Road in the early morning, cottages in the village in the late morning, and cabins along the northern section of Lakeshore Road in the afternoon. Between segments, cabin visitors will have free time for a coffee break and lunch. Along with a complete schedule and suggestions for parking, they will be provided with a list of participating cabins and village restaurants, some of which are themselves historic buildings. Nonrefundable tickets for all three segments will be available for a donation of $25 per person; donations for individual segments are $10 each. Participation is limited to 60 people per segment. Tickets will become available to the general public starting at Maifest but JHS members and friends may make advance purchases before then by sending their requests and checks made payable to Jacksonport Historical Society, along with a #10 self-addressed stamped envelope, to Eileen Roberts, 4768 Hwy 57, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235. Also by late May, additional information on the Historic Cabins Walk may be requested of Phyllis Zatlin <pzatlin@hotmail.com>. In conjunction with the Walk, JHS will be selling a limited number of collages of historic cottages. Each framed collage will include three photos and will be available for a donation of $30. There will be a reduced price of $50 for anyone purchasing two collages.
Historic Cottages of Jacksonport Collage
SEPTEMBER 25, 2013
Do You Know the Second Largest Lake in Door County?
Come learn about the history of this lake. Clark Lake! The Jacksonport Historical Society will have a presentation by Paul Schumacher, Mike O’Brien, and Don Hinnenthal. The three will share the history of Clark Lake regarding the early days, prior to the 1940’s. Were you or your family part of the previous times on Clark Lake? Do you wonder what summers were like on the lake prior to the dam? The presentation will include pictures of: people; buildings; the popular resort (on the northwest corner) and other historical items of the era. Come learn about Clark Lake and chat about the subject after the program over provided refreshments.
OCTOBER 23, 2013
Stamp Collection - Presenter Herb Mueller
I started collecting stamps in 1976. My accountant got me interested in collecting stamps. He had a very nice collection of duck stamps which sparked my interest. When I started the Egg Harbor Post Office was in a little building on the main street of Egg Harbor. Herbert Anschutz , the Postmaster at the time, would show me new stamps that would be issued. When they were issued he would save some for me. I bought mostly plate blocks, which consist of 4 stamps with a number in one of the corners. I have duck stamps from 1976- 2009 and plate blocks up until 2011. All of my collection are new stamps- not cancelled. At the program in October, I will have my stamp albums on display and some stamps for sale.
2012 Presentations
Please join us for the Jacksonport Historical Society Annual Dinner Meeting Wednesday, June 27th, family style dinner at Mr Gs Logan Creek Grille 5890 Highway 57, Jacksonport. Cocktails at 6:00 With dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Speakers: Andy Ebel—great grandson of Joseph and Martha Loritz and Patrick Ramsey of Ramsey Jones Architects
Tickets $25.00
R.S.V.P. by June 18, 2012
(Check payable to Jacksonport Historical Society, Inc.)
Return to: JHS Treasurer, Patty Birnschein, 5489 Reynolds Road, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
Seating is limited so please send in your check as soon as possible.
We will be having our Money Bag Purse Raffle again this year.
July 21, 2012 GALA EVENT at Mr G’s
We invite you to join us at Mr. G’s for an evening of fun. We are kicking off our fundraising for the museum site. We will need your support and help in raising funds for moving the Lortz Log cabin, which was donated by Jim and Mary Lou Stanke. Also, for the future buildings of the Museum. Come see the plans!
The Bittorf Brothers will be playing for the night! We will have a huge silent auction that evening also. You will need to be present for the final call of the bids. The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the last call for the silent auction bids will be at 8:30 p.m. with the winning bids announced at 9 p.m.
Appetizers and Entertainment along with silent auction
Doors open at 6:30 p.m
Cost $25 per person or $45 per couple
Cash and checks only, we do not accept credit cards
Titanic Survivor’s Daughter and Grandson to present “Waking the Titanic”
Annie McGowan was a teenager when traveling to America aboard The RMS Titanic. Annie’s Aunt Katherine was the leader of fourteen passengers from the Addergoole parish in County Mayo. “Waking the Titanic” is a new story about the Titanic. It is a living history revealing a new and interesting perspective of the Titanic and the fragile hopes of a community that lost more of its population that fateful April night than any other.
Please join Annie’s daughter and grandson on August 22, 2012, 7:00 pm at the Jacksonport Town Hall for a viewing of this 52 minute documentary along with a brief synopsis of the family members’ memorable trip to Lahardane County Mayo Ireland this past April to commemorate the 100th year anniversary.
Hope to see you on Wednesday, August 22, 2012
at 7 PM at Jacksonport Town Hall, Cty. V, Jacksonport
Open to the Public
September 26, 2012
Join us for a screening of Green Fire with Ray Osinski, Land Ethics Leader of the Aldo Leopold Foundation. The first full-length, high definition documentary ever made about legendary conservationists Aldo Leopold. Green Fire shares highlights from his extraordinary career, explaining how he shaped conservation and the modern environmental movement. It also illustrates how Leopold's vision of a community that cares about both people and land continues to inform and inspire current projects across the country and around the
2011 Presentations Recap
June 22, 2011
ANNUAL DINNER MEETING at Mr. G's Logan Creek Grille: Jessica Michna as Eleanor Roosevelt
As the Second World War ended, America experienced the loss of its’ stalwart leader, President Franklin Roosevelt. After thirteen years as First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt hoped to retire and perhaps write her memoirs. By 1948 the world had changed dramatically and so had Eleanor.
She shares with the audience her tragedies and triumphs. Born into the opulent wealth of America’s “Golden Age” she would grow from the shy, homely orphan into confident, driven woman. Annealed by personal tragedy, she would emerge as a champion of civil rights, author, and stateswoman. She is best summed up by
President Harry S. Truman, who dubbed her “The First Lady of the World.”
Ben and Althea Logerquist with Jerry and Judy Cote enjoying
Mrs. Roosevelt dinner meeting and presentation
July 27, 2011
IN THE WOODS: Stories from Lakeshore Road - Presenter - Phyllis Zatlin
In the Woods: Stories from Lakeshore Road focuses on families who have resided on this .85 mile stretch since individual lots were first purchased in the 1920s. Stories range from the difficulties of coping with primitive cabins in the early years to the professions and avocations of those who now live on the road or did so in the past. The presenter, Phyllis Zatlin, is daughter of two of the original lot owners.
Phyllis Zatlin age 3 or 4 at cottage Helen June Zatlin on Lake Shore
about 1942 Drive about 1940
September 24, 2011
Kurt Scharrig arrived in America on September 17, 1923 from Domsen, Germany. He went to the Fish Creek area where he lived with his sister Minnie Pleck and her husband. A few years later he settled in Jacksonport and became manager of a large farm. Kurt was a mason by trade. He was also a farmer and worked at the shipyard. The Scharrig family will be having a family reunion the weekend of the 24th of September. The reunion committee will present the program for the evening at the Jacksonport Town Hall on Saturday the 24th of September.
2010 Presentations Recap
June 23, 2010
CHARLES AND ELIZA OLSON family history in Jacksonport dates back to when the family first moved from the Rowley's Bay area to a farm south of Logan Creek around 1920. The Olson’s built a legacy in farming, fishing, construction, hospitality, and other areas. Ben Olson, Ben’s grandson and great grandson of Charles and Eliza will share a retrospective of Jacksonports’ Olson family.
Eliza with sons
Delor, Ben, Alger, and Everett
July 28, 2010
ANNUAL MEETING—“From Bonnets to Hats 1830–1930.” The featured presenter will be Leslie Bellias of the Wisconsin State Historical Society in Madison. She will be showing antique hats from the Wisconsin History Museum’s collection as well as reproductions for modeling. This will be a dinner meeting and will be held at Mr. G's Logan Creek Grill. So put on your favorite hat and come join us for dinner, a silent auction and great companionship as we learn about the history of hats!
August 25, 2010
If you appreciate natural wonders, you could not help but enjoy and appreciate the cherry blossoms in the spring and the turning of the cherries to bright red at harvest time. To many picking cherries was almost a social event, to others, a means to have a little extra spending money. Joins us—as Tom Wilson will share a combination of pictorials of the orchards, the people, the locations, and the processing plants
September 22, 2010
We plan to have fun tonight! There’s truly nowhere to Hide because we’ll Seek out the fun and laughter as we follow our Hearts and remember the games we’ve played with family and friends and the fun we’ve had through the years, past and present. As we Hopscotch down Monopoly lane, maybe we can get Red Rover to come over for a run through the Chutes and Ladders to keep the London Bridge from falling down. And our evening will be a success if the Hoola Hoop and Dodge Ball teams don’t get too rowdy and the Bunco squad gets called!
So please don’t Go Fish this evening. You don’t even have to get all Dolled up, just bring whatever Marbles you have left, give us a hand and be ready to Puzzle together our Jacks and Old Maids before we Kick the Can and go home to Candyland! “A Look Back at Jacksonport Fun and Games” will be presented by Kathy White Graf and Leslie Goulet, with audience participation and stories encouraged. Bingo! We ALL win!
June 24, 2009
ANNUAL MEETING. Jessica Michna from Racine WI will portray First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln. Originally from Pennsylvania, Jessica Michna developed a love of American history at an early age, visiting the many Revolutionary and Civil War sites in the area. Mrs. Michna’s performances are compelling and emotionally captivating. We will laugh along with her humorous anecdotes about life in the White House, and share in her tears as she relates how the horrors of war impacted the First Family. It will be fascinating to meet one of history’s most influential and often misunderstood women.
July 22, 2009
THE EPISCOPOL CHURCH OF THE HOLY NATIVITY. We will visit the Episcopal Church of the Holy Nativity which stands on the wooded hill on County V. Simplicity and peace and a hovering beauty enfold it. It is a hallowed spot, a bit of Old England that has in some way strayed into this whirling western world. We will also visit the cemetery down below the ridge—on the old Lumberman’s Road where lie the remains of Reynolds, Robinson, Nugent, Smythe, Erskines, Johnson, and McArthur, and others, who will be portrayed by family and friends. Our program will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the cemetery. Parking will be at 6313 County A, and we will walk on a path up to the cemetery. Dessert and beverages will be served on the lawn of the church after our visit to the cemetery.
August 26, 2009
VISITING WITH THE SCHLEICHER FAMILY. Rudolph Schleicher was born in Alverwhich, Germany, and there he married Katherina Lautenbach also of Germany. They came to America in August 1889 and arrived at the Port of New York in New York City on a vessel containing hundreds of immigrants. Rudolph received citizenship to the United States in October of that same year in the Door County Circuit Court. Katherina and Rudolph had six children, Charles, Lena, Emma, Pauline, Annie and Arthur.
Arthur married Lucy Wagner of Jacksonport in September of 1939. Arthur and Lucy had eight children, Arnold, Darrel, Catherine, Joyce, Willard (Bill), James, Mary, and Julian (Fritz). Arthur died as a result of an accident in the woods and left eight school aged children at home with Lucy. Lucy was one of the first people in Door County to have open heart surgery. Kelsey Schleicher daughter of Bill will reminisce with friends and relatives depicting the legacy of the Schleicher family.
September 23, 2009
GROVOGAL FAMILY OF FISHERMAN. Among some of the early pioneers of the area, Conrad Grovogel (with a variety of spellings) came to Door County with his father Michael Grovogel before 1864. In 1865 Conrad married Elizabeth Platt and began their large family. Conrad made his living as a commercial fisherman along with three of his sons, Bill, George and John. The fishing was done in 25’ single masted sailboats, while the fish were caught with nets or set lines of hooks. They also used pound nets to fish for herring. The life was arduous and dangerous. Holly Kohls, presentation will cover life as a family of fisherman and where many of the family have ended up. Holly is the great great granddaughter of Conrad and Elizabeth.