Volume Ten
Although each of the stories in this volume are unique, they contain many recurring themes. Our authors are descendants of immigrants from various European countries, including Bohemia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Norway, and Sweden. No matter the country of origin, their family histories repeatedly tell of hardships and heartbreaks, but also of good times and joyous memories. The families in this book are: Leclair, Weiterman, Scharrig, Honold, Olson, Husby, Madden, and Kurtz.
Order Information:
Book Price: US $30.00 including shipping
Book Price - Large Print: US $32.50 including shipping
DVD of family presentation Price: US $22.25 including shipping. Please indicate which family presentation you are ordering at check out.
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Mary Kaye
Jacksonport Historical Society Treasurer
P.O. Box 42
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
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